Sandy's Beach Shack (Huntington Beach Pier): Brunch Edition

food: 3.5/5

experience: 3.5/5

overall: 3.5/5

I didn't have high hopes for Sandy's since they're owned by the same people that own Fred's and Fred's is less than stellar in multiple ways. But I wanted to give Sandy's a fair shot, and when they told me I didn't have to wear a mask outside I was like, alright this is a good sign. First time there I was seated at the bar where I could still see the ocean but wasn't right next to the little pathway boardwalk whatever you wanna call it. Good enough. Nice day out and I don't feel as obligated to tip when I'm at the bar (I did though, because the service was great).

They made me take a photo of the menu before sitting down because of dumb COVID cootie reasons but after I took a seat they handed me a brunch menu. Well I suppose I'd take that as a sign it's time to start up my brunch reviews again. Their brunch menu is small so I only tried a few things. First, decided to dig into the breakfast burrito.

Comes with egg, chorizo, avocado, and I subbed the veggies for pico de gallo. It says it has french fries in it but I guess they left mine out. Either that or whatever was on the side was the french fries. It said house potatoes on the side. Whatever that part was though it's hella good, it's like french-cut fries but not fried, like a potato salad. A really tasty potato salad that's not bland like a lot are. The burrito is pretty decent-sized, not too huge though. I was able to conquer it. Their chorizo is tasty as well. Salty, not spicy though, but very meaty in flavor. Tastes as chorizo should. And they don't skimp on it. The salsa they give with it isn't salsa so much as it is like a chipotle mayo. It's really good and I dumped it all over everything even though I said I wouldn't because cream doesn't agree with me. Oh well. Worth it.

I was hesitant to try the Hawaiian French toast because I really am trying to like, eat healthy and all, since I am training to be a health coach. But damn, I saw the photos, I read the reviews, I thought to myself I know I'm gonna be hungry again a couple hours from now butttt...

I got it. And ugh. The drawing point is just the fruit on top. Otherwise it's just thick-cut French toast. French toast is good, don't get me wrong, but if I'm gonna pay close to fifteen bucks...yeah, just pass on this. It's tempting in theory but whatever in practice. I also don't see any shaved coconut on there. How lame.

Last, the fire pit skillet. Well this might have been the most disappointing of all.

It's supposed to be like an eggs benedict sort of, but I got it with scrambled eggs. Comes with sautéed veggies which I subbed for spinach. When she first served this to me it was literally just scrambled eggs with spinach and that was it. What. The fuck. This dish costs fourteen dollars and you expect me to be okay with that? She brought it out again with the chorizo and hollandaise on top, and then I had to ask for the potatoes. Yeah this dish sucks butt. My friend even agreed, the chorizo this time around was awful! It tasted like ground beef and nothing else. Their potatoes are completely lame. I'm not sure if this place has heard of seasonings but none of this had it. I always take leftovers home but I left these for the trash. So that was the last I saw of Sandy's. Definitely tell people from the South to avoid this place, lest they think we have no tastebuds whatsoever...

Other brunch dishes include the classic eggs benedict with aforementioned hollandaise; "beachfront breakfast" with eggs, bacon/sausage, toast and aforementioned potatoes; three-egg omelet (vegetarian, Denver, or carnivore) with potatoes; and... bagels. Y'all, don't pay over ten bucks for bagels. Just don't do it. And then of course they have their regular menu, which I probably won't be back to try given how disappointing this was.
