Evan's Kitchen & Catering (East Sacramento)

food: 2.5/5
experience: 3/5
overall: 2.5/5

Well this was a disappointment.

After hearing how popular this place is I wanted to try it. My mom had been there before and said it was very mediocre but I still wanted to give it a shot. And after one trip, though I was going to return to give them a second chance, the food was just so mediocre I couldn't see a point to coming back.

First, we got the biscuit plate which comes with gravy, eggs, ham, and cheese. We asked for the gravy on the side and we didn't want the eggs on top of the biscuit so to separate them. Well, they separated everything. Including one very unappealing looking slice of cheese they grilled.

This level of presentation I haven't seen since I got a grand slam at Denny's. The biscuit was alright, small but decent, a little dry. The eggs though were bad and the ham was just packaged deli meat. We didn't even bother with the cheese. This "dish" cost about thirteen bucks, by the way.

Next we had the French toast.

Again, horrible presentation. It tasted like the same kind of French toast you'd make at home. Moist, sure, but not flavorful in any sense. It comes with butter and syrup but you shouldn't need that to make a meal good. French toast should stand on its own and this did not.

Several of their products had soy flour in them, like the multigrain pancakes and the gravy, so I couldn't partake in those, though I'm not sure they would have made this experience any better. Clearly all their products are pre-packaged which makes it even worse considering the prices. At least the service is good. For real though who puts a plain slice of cheese on a plate like got damn. Have some pride.

Definitely not asking this restaurant to cater my events anytime soon.
