Roxy Restaurant & Bar (Sierra Oaks): Brunch Edition

food: 4/5
experience: 4.5/5
overall: 4.5/5

Across the way from Ettore's is another lesser-known brunch spot called Roxy. They're not known for brunch but they should be because their food is damn good. And so is their service. Love it when that happens. It's a fairly nicely decorated restaurant though by no means hoity-toity. Though it classifies itself as a bar, the vibe is a lot more classy than divey. But enough gushing. On to the food!

LDR beef breakfast burrito: 5/5
Every component of this was good, from the tortilla to the chorizo (my favorite burrito filling) to the jalapeƱo nacho cheese (nice). Also got plenty of eggs in there, guac, and sour cream. Very filling. The roasted salsa is nice and refreshing, though not spicy.

Herb & garlic potato cake: 3/5
Came on the side, or you can order it as a side.. Meh, it's just cheesy mashed potatoes. It's fine I guess. It's not really worth ordering by itself.

Roasted country potatoes: 5/5
Damn these are good. They're well-seasoned and nice and tangy. I don't know what kind of oil they use. I don't think it's olive oil, or chili oil, but whatever it is it definitely works. There must be a secret ingredient in these because I've never tasted potatoes like these before. Really good. There's also some red peppers and onions fried in there to add more flavor.

Handmade doughnut holes: 4.5/5
Like chewy cake doughnut holes you get at the shop. They're good but so are doughnut shop doughnut holes. Though Roxy's are a little doughier which is nice. A nice treat but six bucks is a little steep.

Garlic pork breakfast sausage patties: 5/5
Simple, delicious. Perfectly seasoned, just the right amount of salt and garlic. Just not too visually appealing but that's alright.

Buttermilk pancakes: 3.5/5
They're thick which is nice, but the flavor is just whatever. It's hard to screw up buttermilk pancakes and they didn't so I'll give them that.

French toast: 3/5
This is just regular old French toast, brioche bread coated with eggs and vanilla, nothing more. The toppings don't add much to it and it needs syrup to be decent. Get it as a side because the whole meal is not worth it.

Fried chicken & cheddar biscuit: 4.5/5
Yummy fried chicken. The batter on this chicken is nice and crispy but the flavor isn't too present. The flavor comes from the melted cheese on top. And the biscuit is pretty damn good, mostly because of the cheddar mixed in. It's not too strong, it just gives it a more pungent flavor. It's nice and flaky and crusty on top. I give each of them a 4.5/5.

Chicken apple sausage: 3.5/5
Alright so it's just a side but why not. Obviously they don't make it in house but for seven bucks I was expecting a bit more. This honestly tastes like it's from the grocery store, and in a way it is. Don't get it. It's fine but don't get it. Save your money.

They used to have cinnamon rolls and still list them on the menu but they stopped making them. Sadface. I'll have to go to Bacon & Butter to get my fix of those.

If you're lucky enough to live in the Sac State vicinity and have the option of going to here or Ettore's... well, either would be a good choice, but I'd say they are both equally good. However, if you want good service on top of good food, I definitely say come here. The waiter boxed up all our food for us and put it in a nice to-go bag which looked like a birthday present (and may as well have been for how much I enjoy food). The hosts are friendly, the dining room is large and, though loud, not noisy by any means, the layout is appealing to the eye, it's not too crowded, parking isn't an issue. Really not a bad word to say about this place, other than the fact that a side of bacon costs six bucks, and chicken apple sausage costs seven. Really though? It's just bacon and sausage.
