Orphan Breakfast House (East Sacramento)

food: 4.5/5
experience: 1.5/5
overall: 3.5/5

Located on a corner in East Sac sits a tiny little "breakfast house" known as Orphan. Be forewarned that when you arrive here, you will be subject to scrutiny from the neighbors as to where you park. In other words: they're rats. Ask inside for where you're "allowed" to park. Snooty East Sac do be like that doe.

The acoustics indoors are pretty bad. Meaning loud. Not meaning that you can't hear. Well, I guess you can't. Because it's loud. The outdoor patio is rather small and only has three four-seater tables so you're likely gonna be inside.

Orphan serves Naked Lounge coffee. They have ten different varieties! I had to try one at least. I got one with dark chocolate notes as well as sweet citrus and savory. The Colombia Quindio.

The dark roast is very rich and full-bodied. The chocolate flavor isn't noticeable but I guess I don't have a refined palate. It's good though. Unfortunately this fully-caffeinated coffee felt like it was triple-brewed judging by the massive hours-long headache I got after ingesting it.

Next time I came back after I had built up my coffee tolerance over the week. This time I got a medium roast with notes of milk chocolate, orange, and vanilla. The Nicaragua Sabor de Segovia.

I didn't get a (bad) headache after this one but it's not as good in my opinion. It's rather dull. Once again I didn't taste any of the flavor notes. Their light roast is an Ethiopian roast with notes of "blueberry candy", sweet cinnamon, and "juicy". Er, okay. Not a fan of light roast at all so that was out anyway but double no now. Bel Air coffee still reigns supreme in my book. And it's not $15-19 per pound.

Anyway, on to more pleasant things. The food!

Latino breakfast quesadilla: 4/5
They have breakfast burritos, sure, but I'm about that grilled tortilla. And grill it they did. This is kinda basic, with just cheese, tomatoes, and green onions, but it's good, and just the right amount. The salsa only adds to the flavor. I thought it might drown it out but it makes it better. I dumped some on the potatoes too.

Breakfast potatoes: 5/5
Served on the side, these are spiced to perfection and included a healthy amount of rosemary. Their restaurant seems to love rosemary. This is a good thing.

Rosemary bread: 5/5
More rosemary. This big slice is thick and crisp but tastes like it's very slightly buttered. The rosemary is detectable but not overwhelming. Delicious.

Squaw bread: 4.5/5
I like brown bread anyway so this sufficed. It's slightly sweet and grainy in flavor. It's good. Not fantastic like the rosemary bread but still very good.

French toast: 5/5
Served with their signature cinnamon bread which you can buy by the loaf. I love the gooey cinnamon swirl in the bread so I am definitely a fan of this one. It's moist but not squishy and just the right amount of sweet. And it's thick-cut which French toast should be.

Banana blackberry pancakes: 4.5/5
They have regular buttermilk, bacon cheddar, cornmeal, and these in terms of pancakes. I heard good things about cornmeal but since I can't have corn I opted for these. Definitely get these. The bananas in there are what push this up to a 4.5, and to an extent the berries. It tastes like banana bread with the bananas. Yum. The actual buttermilk pancakes are aight so they get a 4/5 by themselves.

Service is excellent. Downsides: they don't serve free refills on coffee. They don't take cards. They have an in-house ATM. No charge for withdrawal but still weird. The parking sucks and you're likely to get a ticket so double check. It's noisy and crowded inside. The wait time is always longer than they say. But the service is excellent so... win?

Nahhhh. Next.
