
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sprouts (Nationwide): Bakery Edition

food: 4/5 experience: n/a grocery store overall: 4/5 One might question my decision to review a grocery store bakery. To them I would say, is it any different from reviewing a coffee shop that serves pastries? An actual bakery? Nay, I think it's about time Sprouts's bakery get the honor it deserves. Cookies: Lemon iced: 3.5/5 Really, I'd give them about a three but some people particularly like lemon and may even give them a 4 so I'll split the difference. Your basic lemon iced cookies, very dense and crumbly. They taste like what you'd expect. Peanut butter: 4.5/5 These were some of the best peanut butter cookies I've had. They were really sweet and not too nutty but you could still taste the peanut butter. There were sugary peanut butter chunks mixed throughout, and chocolate chips! The perfect combo. Shortbread: 4/5 Clearly the most popular of the cookie selection as you can see. It's a nice, crispy shortbread flavor wi