Sprouts (Nationwide): Bakery Edition

food: 4/5
experience: n/a grocery store
overall: 4/5

One might question my decision to review a grocery store bakery. To them I would say, is it any different from reviewing a coffee shop that serves pastries? An actual bakery? Nay, I think it's about time Sprouts's bakery get the honor it deserves.


Lemon iced: 3.5/5
Really, I'd give them about a three but some people particularly like lemon and may even give them a 4 so I'll split the difference. Your basic lemon iced cookies, very dense and crumbly. They taste like what you'd expect.

Peanut butter: 4.5/5
These were some of the best peanut butter cookies I've had. They were really sweet and not too nutty but you could still taste the peanut butter. There were sugary peanut butter chunks mixed throughout, and chocolate chips! The perfect combo.

Shortbread: 4/5
Clearly the most popular of the cookie selection as you can see. It's a nice, crispy shortbread flavor with a raspberry filling I believe. Tastes fresh. I recommend these over the thumbprint if you like shortbread.

Toffee chocolate chip: 4/5
A much better alternative to the traditional chocolate chip, it tastes similar but there is obviously toffee throughout, adding a nice sweet flavor and making it a bit chewier than its sibling. They also have chocolate chunks instead of chips which I prefer personally.

Chocolate chip: 2/5
Not the best. Potentially the worst. 100% not the best chocolate chip cookies you'll ever eat. They are rock-hard and the flavor leaves a lot to be desired. I'd say Chips Ahoy is much better than these. But if you're super craving chocolate chip... still no.

Mexican wedding cakes: 3.5/5
These are nice little cookies if you want something sweet. The main draw is the powdered sugar. They're crispy, crumbly little cookies that are gone in a couple bites if you're eating them correctly.

Thumbprint cookies: 2/5
Definitely the losers of the bunch. The shortbread flavor is very lacking and the filling doesn't make up for it. Like I said, get the triangles instead.

Chocolate biscotti: 3.5/5
Unusual for a biscotti to be chocolate-flavored but the chocolate chips are nice. Not a bad idea but regular biscotti is better. Didn't seem to carry that though.

Big (salted caramel) chocolate chunk cookie: 4.5/5
Now these are what you're looking for. Skip the mini ones and go for the big guy. It's chewy, loaded with chocolate chips, and meets all expectations of a chocolate chip cookie. Also comes with salted caramel chips but I'm not a fan of those.

Big oatmeal raisin/trail mix cookie: 5/5
These are pretty similar so I grouped them. Wow. If this wasn't the best oatmeal cookie I've had though. And from a grocery store?? Nice and chewy with a nice texture that wasn't too oat-y, with a moderate amount of raisins.

Brownies: 4/5
Not so much a cookie but in the cookie section. These were whatever. They taste like brownies. Nothing like Whole Foods' brownie though. In fact, Whole Paycheck beats them pretty thoroughly in terms of cookie selection and flavor.

Raspberry bar (left): 5/5
Basically a hearty bar of raspberry jam with frosting. A raspberry crumble, really. Delish.

Carmelita bar (right): 5/5
Not exactly sure what's in this but I know it's caramel and chocolate with nuts, and it tastes like they put peanut butter chips in there. Tastes like a healthy, hearty candy bar.

Oatmeal cranberry walnut: 5/5
Similar to the oatmeal raisin with the addition of walnuts, which add a nice nutty flavor to the brown sugar oat mix.

Lemon blueberry: 4.5/5
A zesty, crumbly lemon shortbread with blueberries that is truly addicting. Be nice if they put more blueberries in though. Also available as a plain lemon zest cookie.

Peanut butter: 5/5
A solid, buttery peanut butter cookie with a soft, chewy texture. One of the better grocery store PB's I've had.

Snickerdoodle: 5/5
A simple, soft, sweet cinnamon sugar cookie. As a snickerdoodle fan, I'm a fan of these snickerdoodles.

White chocolate macadamia: 5/5
White chocolate and macadamia go hand in hand but these are even better because, if I'm not wrong, they used browned butter, making for a browner cookie with an ever-so-slight "burnt" flavor (it's a good thing).

Sugar: 5/5
A classic cookie, this one's not too heavy on the sugar but it's got kind of a doughy taste. Actually it kinda tastes like Pillsbury refrigerated cookie dough. Hmmmm.

Strawberries 'n cream (limited time): 5/5
Definitely tastes as described. A powdered sugar-sweet cream mixed with strawberries.

Dark chocolate raspberry (limited time): 5/5
Very rich and decadent tasting. Like a divine dark chocolate candy bar with raspberry flavoring. The raspberry is a bit artificial in flavor but it still complements the chocolate nicely.


Pumpkin: 3/5
It is from a grocery store, after all, so I can't expect it to taste fantastic. But for a pumpkin muffin I expected more spice. This one just tasted like pumpkin. These muffins are moister than I'd like. I prefer the crisp muffin tops. Only here seasonally so... yeah you can still skip it.

Pistachio: 5/5
Don't be turned off by the green color. I was hesitant to try these but someone said they came to Sprouts specifically for these muffins so I figured sure. They are amazing. They've got a pistachio flavor reminiscent of the ice cream (no actual pistachios) and if you get them fresh the muffin top is nice and crisp.

Apple raisin hemp: 4.5/5
The hemp seed adds a hearty flavor to this otherwise simple apple muffin. Raisins add a little sweetness. It's good. Somewhat healthy I guess?

Raisin bran: 4.5/5
Definitely more of a "bran muffin with raisins" than a "raisin bran muffin" if you know what I mean. It's just a basic bran muffin base with raisins mixed in. It's still decent though. If you're into bran.

Blueberry: 4.5/5
As good as any other grocery store blueberry muffin I reckon. It tastes like the ones you can get in the package. Entemann's or something? It's good.

Double chocolate chip: 5/5
Let's just call it what it is. It's a fluffy brownie, for breakfast. To me it tastes a lot like Dunkin's chocolate cake doughnut. Plus it's got chocolate chips. Score. As you can see most people aren't a fan of brownies for breakfast. Buncha lame-o's if you ask me.

Mandarin ginger: 4.5/5
Points for originality for sure. And even more points because it tastes good. They got the mandarin flavor down. Not too fruity but also not too artificial. Stay tuned for the candied ginger cubes inside. The ginger enhances the mandarin, making it a very exotic muffin. It's definitely different and definitely not for everyone.

Cranberry orange: 4.5/5
I just love the cranberry orange combo for muffins already so this works for me. Putting orange juice in a muffin as a concept makes me very happy. I love the fruitiness and these definitely measure up to other cran-orange muffins I've had. They're a little on the tart side though.

Other pastries:

Cherry & apple turnovers: 5/5
I love me some turnovers as they're basically mini pies. Both of these are nice and flaky with just the right amount of filling. They're both great in their own way but I prefer apple personally.

Cinnamon rolls: 5/5
I adjusted the rating for grocery store standards. But these aren't bad if you're craving a cinnamon roll (or four) and only wanna pay about $1.15 each. They've got a nice glazed frosting and a delicious cinnamon interior. Not too gooey. They're more like croissants in texture. You can also get regular icing on top.

Bearclaw: 4.5/5
Adjusting for grocery store standards this is still pretty good. It's got the toasted almonds, the frosting, the sweet almond paste interior. If it were a little more crisp and less chewy it'd be perfect.

Belgian waffle: 4.5/5
This is a classic Belgian waffle with the pearls of sugar inside. It's good in that way. Other than that it's pretty dense and not very moist. I mean it's in a package after all. Over 450 calories for this little piece. Jesus.

Mini orange cranberry scones: 5/5
More orange-y goodness. These taste like the cranberry orange muffins but with more powdered sugar flavor and they're much less tart.

Mini blueberry scones: 4.5/5
More of that powdered sugar taste in a yummy sweet blueberry batter. Light and delicious.

Two-bite cinnamon rolls: 5/5
If you're craving cinnamon rolls but don't want to commit to an entire hulking pastry these will do in a pinch. Nice doughy texture with cinnamon brown sugar filling that gets gooey when you warm it up. Mmmm. Much better than the regular cinnamon rolls.

Two-bite chocolate macaroons: 3/5
Disappointing. I'm a coconut fan and these are just super meh. They have regular ones and ones dipped in chocolate. The chocolate really doesn't add much to the flavor because they're too boring to be saved.

Mini pain au chocolate: 2.5/5
Meh. Super meh. Even looks meh in the box. Not much chocolate in there, croissant is blah. Pass.

Mini raspberry strudel (left): 2.5/5
More meh. Basic raspberry jelly filling (not good quality) and a boring strudel shell.

Mini apple strudel (right): 3.5/5
The apple filling tastes better than raspberry. It actually resembles apple and isn't just artificial in flavor. The strudel is the same, basic.

Mini danish pastry raspberry crown: 4/5
Just a little mini croissant filled with raspberry jam. Not much else to say.

Chocolate custard twists: 5/5
Pretty much a chocolate danish twist. I can't taste the custard but they're nice and moist, and anything with chocolate is almost a guaranteed win in my book.

Cranberry orange scones (right): 4.5/5
A little fresher than the bite-size ones aforementioned. The flavor is similar, mostly because well, they're the same flavor. These have a sugary glaze on top though, and they're chewier.

Blueberry scones (left): 5/5
Same as above but not as sour. Pure sweet blueberries with glaze on top. Comes down to personal preference in the end but I prefer these.


Irish soda bread: 5/5
Dudes and dudettes. You have to try this bread. It's the best bread I've ever had. It's basically like a giant scone. It's sweet with rock sugar on top and raisins inside. I first tried it when they had it on display for St. Patrick's Day and I went thru two whole loaves before I had to stop myself. Now I find out it's available year-round? Oh Sprouts, why do you tempt me so.

Cranberry orange Irish soda bread: 5/5
Yes, it comes in cranberry orange too, and it's amazing. Just as good as the original. Again this is basically a cranberry orange scone. A huge one.

Ciabatta: 2/5
This looks really good on the outside but it's on the chewy side and the flavor's not that great. Definitely doesn't meet my standards for ciabatta at all.

Rustic Italian: 4/5
A solid sandwich bread choice, basic but flavorful, crusty yet still has that doughy flavor.

Baguette: 4/5
A delicious, simple baguette with a floury taste, not soft but not too chewy. Similar to the Italian in flavor. Also comes in full-size.

Garlic batard: 5/5
This is their sourdough loaf but with roasted garlic infused. It has whole cloves in it too. It's nice and soft and fresh. I'm not normally a sourdough fan but this is great. It doesn't have that bitter taste or rough texture most sourdoughs have.

Focacetta: 4/5
Not to be confused with focaccia. This is a more savory bread that doesn't have any rosemary or spices. It's on the flatter side but has a fluffy interior. It's decent, got a nice flavor to it. Pretty simple. Goes good with pasta or soup.

Telera roll: 2.5/5
This is really chewy for some reason. Like, really chewy. It's not that good. It just tastes like a doughy hamburger bun.

Wheat telera roll: 5/5
Wow, the difference is night and day. So much fresher, not rubbery at all but very gluten-ous if that makes sense. It's perfect pull-apart bread. There's a rich wheaty flavor to it, plus it has yummy cracked wheat.

Large Kaiser roll: 3.5/5
Just a basic soup bread roll, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. Just a little more flavorful than white bread.

Bolillo roll: 3.5/5
Same as the Kaiser roll but a different shape. Better for sandwiches/hoagies.

Pretzel hoagie (left): 5/5
Now this is what pretzels should taste like. I could compare this to the ones at Iron Horse/Public House. It's nice and moist with a doughy interior, and it's got a yeasty flavor to it. I'm gonna be straight, I ate these like breadsticks.

Pretzel bun (right): 3/5
This on the other hand is quite a disappointment. Pales in comparison. It's dry, the flavor is lacking. Skip this one if you're going pretzel.

Cranberry raisin walnut: 3/5
I suppose the best part of this is the cranberries which make it tolerable. But this is extremely chewy which is not a good thing.

Green olive: 3/5
Another really chewy loaf I'd avoid. I'm not a fan of green olives myself either but barring that it's just too chewy.

Tomato parmesan focaccia: 4/5
Very prominent rosemary flavor with more than enough cheesiness. Tomatoes on top complement the flavor well and give it a pizza flavor. Nice and soft. Also comes in jalapeƱo cheddar. Eat at your own risk.

French bread: 4.5/5
Bad picture, my bad. Everything you'd want in a French bread. So fresh, tastes like classic French bread should. Big enough to make sandwiches out of.

Baby boule: 5/5
Definitely my favorite bread at Sprouts (soda bread notwithstanding). It looks like sourdough but the inside is fluffy, not tough, and the flavor is so much better. It's grainier in flavor. If I had to compare it, it almost tastes like Special K cereal? Though it doesn't have corn in it.

Garlic bread: 5/5
Delicious butter-soaked garlic bread with herbs and cheese, cooked to perfection in a bag. It's a big loaf and it'll feed a lot. Definitely not low calorie but definitely yummy. Be forewarned though, since it has butter on it and it's not refrigerated, it spoils very quickly.

Chocolate swirl brioche: 5/5
Brioche is Sprouts' newest addition to the bread lineup. Everyone loves a good thick brioche. But chocolate bread? Um, yes please! This tastes good toasted, as French toast, with jam... any way you spin it it's fantastic.

Cheese & cream brioche: 5/5
If it's possible this brioche is even better. You can eat it on its own, untoasted, and it's basically like bread with cheesecake interwoven. It tastes better than the chocolate when you put jam on it because it's not like a sugar attack on your tastebuds. And I'm sure it would make spectacular French toast. Only drawback: for some reason the bread tends to fall apart more easily than the chocolate so it's hard to get a "true" slice.


Raspberry cream cheese coffee cake: 4.5/5
Pretty good. Brown sugar crust with sweet cream cheese swirl on top and raspberry jam. It's a basic coffee cake.

Apple coffee cake: 5/5
Tastes like an apple crumble, which is to say, bomb as fuck.

Pumpkin cake: 5/5
Think this is seasonal. I don't always eat cake, but when I do, I prefer pumpkin. Between the savory pumpkin cake and the cream cheese frosting this tastes like pumpkin cheesecake without the crust.

Chocolate chip loaf cake: 4.5/5
A double dose of chocolate. This isn't as overpowering as it looks. I'm a fan of chocolate so I was looking forward to a flavor blast. Not quite, but it's still good.

Blueberry streusel loaf cake: 5/5
I love blueberry streusel muffins. This is basically one giant muffin. Not much else to be said. The blueberry is good and the streusel tastes like streusel, plus it's nice and moist.


Pumpkin: 4/5
Pumpkin pie is good. Grocery store pumpkin pie is okay. But pumpkin pie is always good so this is good.

Apple: 5/5
There's nothing like home-baked apple pie but microwaved Sprouts apple pie will do in a pinch. It's sweet, gooey, and the crust is yummy. Also available in fellow fruits blueberry, mixed berry, cherry, and peach, with that same crumbly crust.

Sprouts has a lot of decent items in bulk too. They got a bunch of flavors of yogurt pretzels (lime, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, lemon, cinnamon) and a lotta good granola too, both pre-bagged (all good) and in bulk (try banana nut, vanilla almond, and tropical mix; skip pumpkin flax and honey almond). They have these little chocolate quinoa bites that are pretty good. And they have chocolate coconut almonds and cinnamon chocolate almonds - both bomb.

One last note: the coffee. Though technically not a bakery item, it is located proximal to the bakery (somewhat) and it goes with pastries. Sprouts coffee is not too good but at the very least avoid the Gold Sumatra roast because that one is absolutely horrible. Brazil is pretty bad too. If ever you don't like something you can return it for a full refund which is nice.
