Pizza Supreme Being (Downtown Sacramento)

food: 4/5
experience: 3/5
overall: 3.5/5

When my friend asked me if I'd heard of Pizza Supreme Being, I was like uh what is that a band or something? He said he heard it was the best pizza in Sac. I was like haha doubtful that honor goes to Roma's. So he was like well we'll just have to go to both to compare. Within a week we found ourselves at Pizza God. (something something Flying Spaghetti Monster) Okay so it was actually a few weeks after that because they were sold out the first time we went so we came for Old People Dinner at 4pm some time later.

Their menu is small which usually means they do what they do, well, but we were about to see. I mean, best pizza in Sac (whoever gave that honor) has gotta be worth something, right? They have slices and squares. Slices range from $3.50 (cheese) to $4 (toppings) and squares from $4 (cheese) to $5 (pepperoni). I tried one of each.

Their version of Hawaiian is actually what Hawaiian should be. Namely, it's made with spam, not no damn Canadian ham, along with pineapple and jalapeño. Their pizzas all have a three-cheese blend and they also have plain, pepperoni, and vegan cheese (hell naw) because it's Sacramento. And they're all served on signature sourdough crust. I had to try the Hawaiian of course because I've never had Spam on pizza. This should be done more often. The Spam has a good texture and goes well with the pineapple and jalapeño. The cheese is actually really good. I don't know what cheese they use but it's delicious. And their crust is pretty good too. Not the best I've had but definitely a solid crust. Not too doughy tasting, which I would have preferred. I'll stick to Roma's for good crust.

Their squares aren't just regular square slices. They're made with sourdough focaccia. They're pretty huge as you can see. I tried the cheese because they were out of pepperoni. Clearly they slather it with tomato paste for whatever odd reason. I mean, it's fine I guess, if you're okay with tomato paste. Not a lot of cheese to be spoken of. The focaccia is tasty, nice and thick and tastes like sourdough. I wouldn't get the cheese again though. I tried some of my friend's pepperoni from his slice on top of it and it made it taste a lot b better.

Just pass on their poor salads. They're made with iceberg lettuce and are very sad.

I had to get a cookie for dessert since dessert's kinda my thing, and it was the last thing on the menu I hadn't tried (besides their coffee, which is from The Mill). They're homemade cookies, after all.

Eh, not much to say. Tastes normal. Least it's big, just like their slices.

As I said, get there early or they'll sell out and you'll` only be left with cheese (if that). Granted it's the same actual pizza but... it's not the same. That alone (happened twice) kind of soured me on this place. I'm very torn on my rating though because I think the actual slice was a 4.5 but the focaccia was maybe a 4 or slightly less. The cookie did nothing for me. Overall though I definitely wouldn't score this as the best pizza in the city, that's for sure. Roma's reigns "supreme."
