Madras Cafe (Sunnyvale)

food: 4/5
experience: 3/5
overall: 3.5/5

First thing we noticed about Madras is it's packed with Indian people so you know it's good. Lotsa take-out orders. It's not a fancy place by any means, you just place your order up front and sit at a linoleum table. They have metal cups for water which also taste metallic.

This place specializes in obscure-sounding South Indian bread-type products, I guess. But it's popular. Their most popular it3em is the dosa which seems unappealing to me. It's just a thin huge chip basically, made from lentil and rice flour. There's different fillings like cheese, onion, kara chili powder, masala, vegetable and "special vegetable" which is what we got. And we got a vegetable utthapam which I also had no idea what it was. They had a special one with cashews and stuff in it which sounded good too. Decisions decisions.

These dosas are huge! Longer than my mom's arm, as you can see. They come with a brown sauce, a green sauce, and a white sauce all of which are mild, along with a weird-tasting soup. I wasn't a fan of the sauces. The special vegetable has cabbage, carrots, peas, onions, potatoes, raisins, and peanuts. Everything is hands-on so you'll have to get up in there to eat that filling. The dosa itself was just okay but the filling was good.

Then about ten minutes later mine came out sigh. It looks like they prioritize the dosas judging by what came out of the kitchen.

Mine came with the same sides. Also huge. It's like a fried pancake, with tomatoes, peas, onions, and carrots. It was good, definitely more substantial than the huge wafer. I think it was like a potato pancake. It tasted like French fries. I ate almost all of it.

So yeah, come here if you want to try some mysterious bread items. But don't come here if you're trying to fulfill your daily protein requirement or anything.
