Sushi Kakogan (Rocklin)
food: 3/5 experience: 3.5/5 overall: 3.5/5 We were in the area one day and since we're hardly ever way out in Rocklin we decided to try some place new. So we got some soosh at Kakogan. I ordered my standard sashimi dish. I thought the nine-ounce sashimi would be a paltry lil bit cus nine ounces don't sound like a whole lot but hot damn now I'm wondering exactly how much these other places were really giving me cus this is plate full. There are six different kinds of fish on there along with roe and lemon, and my favorite wasabi of course. Their wasabi is good, I ate it in like four bites. At $23 this is a good deal. Next up I tried their rolls. Their menu of rolls isn't too impressive so I just tried a few. Unfortunately for me every sauce of theirs has either soy or sesame in it so I was stuck with sriracha. The Chris roll is made with cream cheese which is the main reason I got it. Cream cheese and sushi is always a dealmaker for me. This one is good...