Dunkin' (International)

food: 4/5
experience: 5/5
overall: 4/5

Dunkin' recently underwent a name change earlier this year and now they're simply known as "Dunkin'". Why? I don't know. Maybe it sounds cooler. Maybe there was too much alliteration and people were getting confused. Maybe the tiny amount of ink it costs to write "donuts" was getting too expensive. We may never know.

What we do know is Dunkin' is America's doughnut shop. They've expanded worldwide even. Their flavors are plentiful, though you'll have to do some hunting to try 'em all. Here's some reviews of the ones I could find.

Pumpkin: 5/5
Seasonal item, also comes in doughnut holes which I got. Good stuff. They're dense like the Krispy Kreme with a light glaze, and they've got a solid pumpkin flavor with a hint of spice. Not too sweet.

Double chocolate: 4.5/5
This is decorated for the Halloween season as you may tell. It's a chocolate cake doughnut with chocolate frosting. The frosting is the sweet part. The cake is more like a regular cake with some cocoa powder flavoring. Not overly sweet that way. If you're into eating brownies for breakfast, this is it fam.

(from top left to bottom right, horizontally)

Apple cinnamon: 4/5
The cinnamon flavor isn't prominent at all here. It's basically a powdered sugar doughnut with the slightest hint of spice. The apple cinnamon interior of course is the best part. It tastes like apple pie filling.

Coffee roll: 4.5/5
Actually a cinnamon roll, not sure why they call it something different. This doesn't have any coffee flavor or anything. I mean I guess you can have it with your coffee but that goes for all doughnuts and they're not called coffee doughnuts. Ah, well. Definitely not the best cinnamon roll I've had but I'll adjust for doughnut shop standards. Light, cinnamon-y and sweet, with delicious frosting to top it off.

Glazed cruller: 4/5
Crullers are eggy doughnuts that allegedly are from France originally. This one is decent, about as good as any other I s'pose. I've never had one but it seems about average.

Glazed blueberry: 2.5/5
2.5/5 is being generous honestly. This is soooo sweet. It tastes like blueberries drenched in sugar. The frosting has a hint of blueberry as well. If it weren't for the hint of blueberry in the doughnut I'd give this a 2/5. Too sweet. Neither of us trying this liked it.

Old fashioned: 4/5
As you can see their old-fashioned doesn't have the traditional saucer-like shape. It's just a plain cake doughnut, really. And it tastes exactly like that. It's fine, I guess. Whatever.

Butternut: 5/5
Butternut squash as a doughnut? I don't know but that it works. If you're not a squash fan, fear not: it's been sweetened to within an inch of its life and just tastes like non-coconutty coconut. Sprinkled all over a yummy butternut cake doughnut, this is an unusual winner.

(from top left to bottom right, horizontally)

Toasted coconut: 4/5
Coconut lovers will like this one. I like coconut too but the coconut is the only flavor to it, the rest is just a plain cake doughnut.

Glazed chocolate: 4/5
Tastes similar to the double chocolate except it's glazed all the way around. The chocolate presence isn't nearly as overwhelming. Still though, it's essentially chocolate cake for breakfast.

Bavarian creme: 4.5/5
I don't normally have cream filled doughnuts but these are really good. The cream is a simple vanilla which tastes like pudding. It's dusted with powdered sugar. Very light. They also have Boston creme which is the same but with chocolate frosting on top, and they have plain powdered doughnuts without filling.

Chocolate cream-filled: 5/5
Like the Bavarian creme but with delicious chocolate filling. I love chocolate and this did the trick. It's thick but it's sweet, yet not too sweet. The doughnut itself is very light so the cream isn't overwhelmingly rich.

Apple cider: 3.5/5
Literally tastes like it's made with apple cider. If you're a fan of cider you'll like it. I'm personally not really. The dusting with sugar makes it a little better but it's a little too much of a mulled flavor for my tastes.

Apple fritter: 3.5/5
I was honestly expecting a lot better from a fritter. I mean, it's fried. It's sure got enough calories to taste good. But this is just okay. It's got a bit of cinnamon in it but it just tastes like a plain old doughnut otherwise. The apple flavor isn't even that strong. The frosting is good though, even if it's just plain sugar.

Maple bar: 5/5
The classic maple-frosted bar. You can't go wrong with a maple bar. This one does not disappoint. It's simple, it's good, it's filling (for like five minutes) - it's all you need. Also available with maple creme filling and vanilla frosting.

Sour cream: 3.5/5
A sour cream doughnut?! I had to try this weird concoction. I don't know how to describe the flavor except it just tastes kind of funny. I guess it could grow on me but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it unless you like trying weird things. It doesn't taste like sour cream; more like sour milk maybe? I dunno. It's different.

Vanilla frosted: 4/5
If you can get over the seasonal frosting (green frosting is the worst color I can think of), this is pretty good. Just tastes like sugary frosting with a hint of vanilla.

Last, I had to try their muffins. They're so big and tempting and yeah I just had to. They have four flavors.

Pumpkin: 5/5
Seasonal. This tastes like pumpkin pie. It's delicious. It's so moist and fresh and yeah, it's just great. The icing on top is literally the icing on the cake (muffins are basically cake, lezbeehonest).

Blueberry: 4.5/5
A solid blueberry with a classic hard muffin top and granulated sugar. The interior has a blueberry flavor on top of the blueberries already in there.

Chocolate chip (not pictured): 4.5/5
I didn't try this one to be honest but I'm preemptively rating it a 4.5 because it's exactly the same as the blueberry but with chocolate chips.

Coffee cake: 4/5
The muffin top is excellent. It's coated with plenty of cinnamon sugar and it's very crisp with a hearty flavor. The interior still has cinnamon sugar pockets which are good but the cakey part just seems a little lacking.

Dunkin' has other breakfast items like breakfast sandwiches and stuff. They have chicken biscuits too! Unfortunately they're regional so I couldn't find one.

Breakfast wrap with maple bacon (right): 4.5/5
By itself this is just a tortilla with egg and cheese. But add that maple bacon like me and it becomes a powerful combo. The bacon is crispy with a sugary maple glaze that enhances the saltiness of the item.

Sausage, egg and cheese croissant (left): 5/5
Every component in here is good. The sausage, the egg, the cheese, and the croissant. But what makes it great is the fact that it's so big and satisfying. All the ingredients work together excellently and this is probably the best croissant breakfast sandwich I've had in terms of fast food

They also have turkey sausage and egg whites on a multigrain bun but I'm not about that healthy life when I go to Dunkin.

You may be familiar with Dunkin's coffee brand. They sell it in stores as well as, obviously, in-store. First time trying it I had their seasonal pumpkin latte.

Dunkin' just debuted a new cinnamon sugar pumpkin signature latte this year. I'm not sure if this is what I got because I don't taste any cinnamon sugar. It's just a regular old pumpkin latte. I think they just put whip and cinnamon sugar on top for the special one. Anyway. Tastes fine, just like a sweet latte with the slightest hint of pumpkin flavoring. Nothing outstanding. I give it a 4/5.

They also have freezes which are probably the most interesting beverages on their menu. Coolattas which are like Icees basically I'm guessing. Not interested in that artificial flavored stuff. And then they have the frozen coffee and frozen chocolate.

Frozen coffee (left): 4/5
I got my frozen coffee with a mocha swirl and a shot of toasted almond. The first sip tasted weird but it grew on me. It's got a bit of a bitter/saccharine taste, though it's very slight, but after you get used to the flavor it's unnoticeable. For frozen coffee this passes. They have other various swirls and shots available but I'm a fan of both mocha and almond; hence my selection.

Frozen chocolate with hazelnut swirl (right): 5/5
Heed my call and get the hazelnut swirl in your chocolate frap. It doesn't taste like nutella but it does taste delicious. This is basically an icier version of a chocolate shake.

So, surprise surprise, the best stuff at Dunkin' is everything except the doughnuts. And maybe the coffee. It's not as good as its reputation in the grocery store.
