Bacon & Butter (Tahoe Park)

food: 5/5
experience: 4/5
overall: 5/5

Bacon & Butter has been Sacramento's go-to brunch spot ever since it opened up in 2014 and took the city by storm. They eventually had to open another location in East Sac because it got so crowded (or they just wanted more money). The line will give you about an hour's worth of time to waste should you come any time other than butt o'clock in the morning.

Buttermilk biscuit: 3/5
You can get it as a sandwich or plain. I got it plain. Buttery, flaky and crispy but not that great flavor-wise. Comparable to Pillsbury to be honest. It comes with seasonal preserves which I completely forgot about so I ate them plain afterwards. They're alright I mean, literally just candied fruit.

Bacon: 4/5
I'm not one to rate bacon in general but it is called Bacon & Butter so... it's good. Thick cut and crispy. I mean it's their signature after all so it better be good.

Flapjacks: 5/5
Bacon & Butter's pancakes are seriously the best ever. Thick and scrumptious. I don't know if they put some sort of extract in there or what but they taste funny in a good way.  The toppings change seasonally.

Mary's chicken & waffles: 3/5
With a name to make Ron Swanson proud (Bacon and Butter?) and a waffle to rival JJ's diner (okay not really) this was the best place to celebrate me finishing my binge of the entire Parks & Rec series. Whoever Mary is makes some pretty good fried chicken but the waffle is pretty meh. Pancake is better. JJ's diner would've been better. Also they put jalapeños and figs in maple syrup? Who thought that up? Weirdo. Comes drenched in syrup take note.

French toast: 5/5
Ho-muhgod best menu item by a long shot. So moist and sweet but not too much. Made with thick challah bread. I'd recommend this if you're ordering off the menu. Getting to the bakery section soon which also brings the goods.

Some of their more substantial dishes...

Grilled cheese benedict: 5/5
Wow. Grilled cheese for breakfast? Count me in. It's got a three-cheese blend crust and mozzarella inside. This is on par with the Rind's classic grilled cheese. Plus it's got hollandaise sauce, which basically tastes like a mild cheesy mayo. They also have just a regular grilled cheese on the menu, I think it's the same just without the eggs and hollandaise.

Potatoes: 3/5
Not bad but not great. These are just fried potatoes. They don't have any seasoning on them. C'mon guys, you could at least put some salt and pepper. Meh.

Breakfast burrito: 4.5/5
This thing is huge. I scooped out a ton of the filling because it was just too much and that alone still filled up a whole plate. It's covered with another cheese skirt like the grilled cheese. They put mashed potatoes, eggs, and chorizo in there. The only reason why this doesn't get a 5/5 is because there was hardly any chorizo! What teeny bit I did taste was good. Lame. It comes with hot sauce and something called pasilla sauce? Whatever it is, use it. It's like a lime-avocado hollandaise or something and it's amazing.

They change all the bakery items on a daily basis sometimes so if you see something you like you better get it. But they always have cinnamon rolls and bacon chocolate chip cookies. Overall the best stuff comes from the bakery. But this is coming from a self-confessed carbohydrate addict.

Bread pudding: 5/5
When we came it was banana nut. Another hnnnghh-worthy item we got here. So moist and banana-y and damn. Comes with an ice cream scoop of whip. This was my first bread pudding ever. If they're all like this then I'll take five to go please.

Banana chocolate bread: 4/5
Pretty good. I like the chocolate the most, the banana part is alright. It's not too moist like moist banana bread is.

Lemon meringue doughnut: 4/5
First time trying their doughnut they had the lemon meringue. Which is actually a cronut. Or they call them donuts here, i.e. biscuit-doughnut. I'm not a big lemon fan as you know. I mean I don't dislike it I just don't seek it out. But boy this was good. It's drenched with icing though. The icing is a little too sweet for my taste but still good. I scraped most of it off to enjoy the delicious flakiness and ate all of it.

Cinnamon roll: 5/5
Speaking of flakiness they have some fatass cinnamon rolls. I had one and it got demolished quick. I thought I'd have leftovers nope. I mean honestly if your restaurant cinnamon rolls and they're bad you're doing something wrong with your life. Hands down best menu item ever at this restaurant (very honorable mentions to bread pudding and French toast). Make sure you get it heated in the oven for several minutes so it's nice and gooey and moist. And look how huge it is. I was literally full for two days after eating this beast.

Churro doughnut holes: 5/5
Simple yet delicious. I love churros and I love doughnuts and these just taste like little churro bites. They warm them up so they're extra delicious. Only available at the East Sac location.

Bacon apple fritters: 3.5/5
Also only available in East Sac. Get 'em while they're hot: they sell out fast. Too bad they aren't actually served hot. For five bucks you only get three (plus whipped cream). Bacon is always good, and apple is an interesting addition, but I'd skip these. They're unimpressive and overpriced.

If you recall, you know I love my pumpkin. I had to try all their pumpkin specials in the fall.

(from top left clockwise)

Pumpkin bread pudding: 5/5
Wow. This was the first one I dove into and merely halfway through this I was stuffed. It's got a nice rich pumpkin flavor and it's topped with whip and caramel sauce, plus it's got actual pumpkin pie filling distributed throughout. Basically this tastes like pumpkin pie on steroids.

Pumpkin doughnut: 4.5/5
Pumpkin doughnut? More like pumpkin pie doughnut. Hardy har, not funny I know. I love the candied pumpkin seeds on top. The pumpkin frosting is pretty sweet, and the actual doughnut has a hint of pumpkin flavor as well. This would be even better if they added some pumpkin spice in the doughnut batter to amp it up.

Pumpkin cinnamon roll: 5/5
Topped with sweet cream cheese frosting. It tastes like a cinnamon roll still, just with a hint of pumpkin. The pumpkin is all in the cinnamon filling so it's more like a pumpkin spice roll if that makes sense. But anyway their regular cinnamon roll is already bomb so of course this one is.

Pumpkin snickerdoodle: 5/5
Everything a pumpkin snickerdoodle should be. Crisp yet chewy, it's got the snickerdoodle base with a pumpkin flavor mixed in. Not much else to say other than it's great.

But before I moved on to another brunch place, I had to try their signature Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookie. Yes, you read it right, they put bacon in a cookie. Noice. They be combining bacon and chocolate nowadays, y'know.

Bacon cookie: 5/5
This one was excellent, not too big but thick and girthy (you dirty dog, you, that's not what I meant). Little pieces of bacon throughout and plenty of chocolate chips, and the actual cookie part was not too sweet but nice and chewy. This hit the spot. For $2.50 plus tax, you can't beat a fresh bacon cookie. Mm mm mm. Bacon & Butter. Come for the brunch, stay for the bacon fuckin' cookie.

Tahoe Park has a roomier location and parking lot but East Sac offers a pastry case to gawk at. One time we went there and sat right next to the baker. She says she starts work at 4:30am and works a minimum eight hours a day. Damn son, props. Downside of East Sac location though is sometimes you get seated in the glaring sun. It's slightly less crowded but not really. Expect a 30-45min wait unless you come really early or an hour before closing (they close at 3pm).

Sign the book before you leave!
