California Livin Series: Jardin des Plantes (Paris)

Yes, I know, Paris again? Come on though. It's Paris. I know you wanna read about it. At least look at some pretty pictures? (Obligatory link to previous California Livin' posts.)

We went to quite the number of gardens and parks during our stay in Paris, but this one was definitely one of a kind.

Unlike most of the Parisian parks and gardens, this one isn't as manicured. Aside from the garden portion of it, it's kind of like a slice of wilderness.

There's old buildings everywhere, lots of wild grass, dirt and gravel trails. I don't know, it's just... different.

The purpose of the park is that it hosts a huge variety of plants, mostly labeled, many familiar but with a good amount of "unique" ones as well.

There's some sort of zoo in the back, which we sort of glossed over. Admission to the zoo is something like ten Euros. Wasn't interested in the zoo at the time, so couldn't tell you about that. The park is free though.

They have a couple mini museums in the park as well, but if I'm gonna visit a park, that means I'm in the mood to be outdoors, so couldn't tell you about that either. Sorry, fam. You'll have to check it yourself.

There's snack stands all throughout the park if you get hongray. Nothing special, your typical carnival-type food: soda, ice cream, crepes, whatever.

The flower gardens are gorgeous. There's at least a football field's worth of flowers, all arranged by color. They even have a section of green flowers. Unusual.

Oh yeah, and if you don't like insects - particularly bees - you might want to skip this section, because there are some fatty-ass bees flying around here, and they might buzz right into your face. But don't let that scare you or anything. Honestly if you're scared of bees you don't belong outside.

At the end (or beginning) of the field of flowers there's a greenhouse, which we also did not go inside.

Yeah, I guess we didn't come close to getting our full share of this park, but hey, now you can, right? Heh.
