California Livin' Series: Jardin Catherine-Labouré (Paris)

California Livin' goes back to France! We got another park to visit. This one's a little one.

Aw, what a cute little garden! And to think, we stumbled on it purely by accident. Because we got lost on our way to the Rodin Museum. Not that that's important.

This is an inner-city park, which I believe serves primarily as a mini field-trip location for a couple elementary schools nearby. I have to admit, it's kind of cute seeing groups of children walking into the park, each holding hands with a "buddy" so as to not get lost. As if you could get lost here.

The park is small, but really pretty nevertheless. It's just too quaint! (That's a good thing.)

There are a few expanses of lawn, some isolated bench areas, and what appears to be a vegetable garden.

Which, aside from said vegetables, also served as host to a small sun-bathing community (yeah, we saw you, girls).

There aren't any "attractions" in this park, aside from the fact that it's just a nice place to sit. And let the kids run wild I guess.

Oh, and the bathroom is a hole in the ground. No joke. Use at your own risk.
