Tower Cafe (Land Park): Brunch Edition

food: 5/5
experience: 4/5
overall: 4.5/5

You may have read my (ongoing) post about Tower's bakery selection. I've also had some sit-down brunches here. First off, I had to try this famous French toast everyone talks about. Now let me tell you about this toast. I was looking through pictures online in anticipation and thought to myself, What is this paltry one slice of bread that is supposed to be the famous Tower French Toast.

I was ambushed I tell you. My friends this is no ordinary slice. This happens to be a majestic, bro-sized half-loaf of sourdough bread meeting all your daily carbohydrate energy requirements soaked in a vat of custard to make sure it sticks to your insides all the livelong day. See human for scale:

And it's spectacular. I honestly can't decide who does French toast better, B&B or Tower, but I will gladly demolish both plates if I could do so with no consequences. Unfortunately for me Tower's is so rich it made me sick enough to not eat the rest of the day and I almost threw up the next day. Worth it? Hell yea.

On one particular fall occasion they served the pumpkin pancakes special.

I love me some pumpkin pancakes but these just didn't do it for me. Not that they weren't good, they just didn't hit the spot like the other ones I've tried, did.

Last, I tried one of their more savory dishes. The chorizo con huevos. I wanted to try the mole and the burrito but they both have corn/soy sauce/sesame/voodoo magic in them so I can't eat them.

There's only a couple eggs which is a perfect amount for me. Their chorizo isn't too spicy but it is savory. The beans are spicy though. Nice. I got mine with a side of breakfast potatoes which are aight. Nothing to them, they just stir fry them with onion. Whatevs.

The service here is always wonderful but because the last time I went here and was almost poisoned with soy and sesame (good thing I double checked) I can't say my experience here has been completely positive. That with the long wait times makes this restaurant a no-more for me. But they do have good food. No question.
