Andy Nguyen (Land Park)

food: 4/5
experience: 1/5
overall: 3/5

Consider this a retroactive review, from my vegan days.

As long as my affair with Andy Nguyen has been going on (a few years now), I'm afraid it'd be impossible for me to honestly rate him above a 3.

You see, I became vegan in high school. A year after that, I discovered Andy. I lived in Sacramento. I was vegan. It was inevitable our paths would meet.

Soon enough, we had a steady thing going. I'd swing by every month or so, then every few weeks, and at one point we were seeing each other on a weekly basis. We had some delectable meals together, we did. I enjoyed when he cooked up his special soy fish for me. Oftentimes I'd even invite a friend over to join me, but I always felt that special connection between me and Andy.

After a while, I began to take notice of a few things. First, it was the little things. Not refilling my water all night until I finally broke down and asked. Failing to notice my attempts to grab your attention in order that my bill may be delivered to our dining area.

Then it started getting insulting. Andy, did you really expect me not to notice that extra dollar you charged for those rolls? The menu clearly states a lower price. Yes, I understand now that you've recently upgraded the price, but kindly inform me before I order said item. I understand ya gots to make rent, Andy, but so do I.

The last straw, Andy? As loyal a girl I've been to you, the one night I just wanted some plain ol' steamed vegetables, you stick me with a nine-dollar charge. Nine dollars you want, for some crummy veggies I could just as well cook myself?! No, sir, I've had enough of your antics.

It was fun while it lasted, Andy baby, but I think it's time we took a break.
