Maru Ichi (Mountain View)

food: 4/5
experience: 1.5/5
overall: 2.5/5

Maru Ichi specializes in one thing and that is noodles. They have ramen and udon and soba. They also have some other menu items but those aren't important.

First thing I noticed they charge a dollar extra for toppings. Uhh one dollar for two nori sheets that are worth 0.6 cents? If I want bamboo and mushrooms that'll cost two dollars more? Please.

So. Ramen seems like it's generally served with pork. I don't like pork. This eliminated every option except veggie ramen which was shoe flavored which I also don't like. I had to get a pork dish. Poor pig died for nothing cus I didn't eat it. Good thing I'm not vegan anymore so I have no moral qualms about that. I don't like bone marrow and pork fat so that eliminated the tonkatsu. I don't like miso or garlic or soy sauce. I had one option left and this was spicy miso (pre-soy allergy) aka ramen so spicy miso it is.

It was pretty good I guess. It tasted exactly like what I expected. Not worth mentioning given the place specializes in it.

Cash only.
