California Livin' Series: MyZeil (Frankfurt)

California Livin' has yet to visit Germany. So, here we go! Lez do it.

MyZeil is one of the main malls in Frankfurt and it is one of the biggest malls in Germany in general. It's described as "a shopping and leisure complex."

One major thing I remember about this mall is it's got the longest escalator in the country - and Europe! It's 42 meters long (which is like a mile in freedom units).

This mall has... wait for it... eight floors!

It also features glass roofs and walls for your skyline-viewing pleasure.

Oh yeah, the architecture is pretty sweet too.

Of course, being a mall (with eight floors), it has a plethora of restaurants for your dining pleasure. And yes, they serve that sweet, sweet German beer. They also serve Chipotle, unfortunately. But they also have Dunkin'!

Or you could get some grub at the mall supermarket...

If you feel like you just got fat, fear not: a fitness center is also located inside the mall. It even features a pool!

I can't guarantee an hour in the gym will make you fit into that size small once you exit the gym and resume shopping, but it's worth a shot, eh?

Speaking of looking good, make sure to get something fresh for the nightclub that's inside the mall as well. You heard me. The Gibson is a nightclub with live concerts.

Need a break? How about checking into a hotel room at the Jumeirah, located right around the corner of the mall and featuring cutting-edge decor and luxurious suites. Naturally they have a spa inside the hotel to massage those feet after exploring eight floors and sixty stores.

Whew! You got yourself a day trip right here. I'm not saying I'd fly all the way back to Germany for a mall, but that nightclub though...
