Chipotle (International)

food: 3.5/5
experience: 4/5
overall: 3.5/5

I feel like I'm being generous with my rating. Granted the employees here are usually pretty chill and sometimes they'll spot you a free drink but it's Chipotle lehbeehonest.

Basic Subway-style selection of taco, burrito, salad, or bowl. Hint: if you want your money's worth get the bowl with tortillas on the side and make your own burrito. If you want to rip yourself off, get a salad. They stack that shit up with lettuce leaving you no room for toppings.

Rice and beans are usually soggy. Beans I just learned are not vegetarian-friendly since they're made with bacon (as they should be). Then you got your corn mixture thing, your pico de gallo, your extra-costing guacamole, your lettuce, and your meats. They also serve tofu which, gross, who eats tofu burritos? Nasty vegans that's who. Steak, chicken, beef, and tofu. Which of these does not belong. And of course you got your basic chips.

Everything here is thoroughly unmemorable and the fact that this place is so popular is more like a meme at this point than anything. I. Don't. Get it.
