California Livin': Parc Monceau (Paris)

California Livin'! Or rather, European Livin'. I know I've been having a lot of these lately, but this one should take you on vacation at least for a few moments. Parc Monceau in Paris, France. Here is a list of my previous CL posts.

By far one of Paris's best-kept secrets. We stumbled upon this park purely by coincidence and, as soon as we walked in, felt as though we'd entered a dream.

This is what all of Paris should be like. Peaceful, beautiful, plenty of people around but by no means crowded.

I only wish I had found this place sooner. It sure could have helped my temperament after dealing with the infamous Parisian snottiness and snootiness encountered everywhere else in the city.

There are wide dirt paths running all throughout the park...

Lots of kids running around, family and couple picnics...

Benches every few meters (remember, we're in Europe, they use metrics)...

A lovely pond...

Even a little merry-go-round near the entrance with a small food stand...

And plenty more you would only appreciate once you've seen yourself.

This, this is the escape I have been looking for.

Au revoir, Paris... until we meet again.
