Burger King (International)

food: 2/5
experience: 2/5
overall: 2/5

I don't really have a need for Burger King in my life anymore. There's a McDonald's right by my house that sells drinks for a dollar at any size and that was the only thing keeping me coming back here (hello, Coca Cola Freestyle!). BK has some decent items but for the most part misses the mark in the battle of fast food titans.

Their burgers (sorry, Whoppers [TM]) actually suck. Like, not mediocre, they're bad. The beef patties are terrible. No matter what you get on top of it you can't hide that nasty processed taste. Unfortunately for us healthy eaters, they don't do lettuce wraps either. Just dump your patty on a bed of lettuce. But, their fries are pretty damn good. Better than McD's I have to say. They're thicker cut and crispier, and not as greasy and limp. That's the other reason I come here. But I would never buy them myself, just bum them off other people.

Also an option for your side: onion rings. I'll just say it: stick to the fries. (Or don't, because onion rings often come with bonus fries for some reason.)

Their fish and chicken sandwiches are definitely better, though. Get these instead of the beef.

They sell chicken fries. Or, chicken in the shape of fries with a battered exterior. I've tried the regular and the "spicy", which are really no different. When you bite into the spicy ones, your mouth is like, okay I see what they're trying to do here and I can pick up the spice flavor but it's not actually spicy.

I used to get their chicken nuggets all the time as a kid. Those were pretty damn good I gotta say. With the barbecue sauce? Oh yeah, that was definitely a treat. But only a treat. Momma raised me right. As one of the cheapest items on the menu, you can't beat it. Definitely not with...

...their breakfast options. Compared to McDonald's breakfast menu, Burger King is... lacking. Their sausage biscuits and croissan'wiches taste straight outta the microwave. The actual sausage is fine but the biscuit is a squishy, tough mess to eat.

Their cinnamon rolls (or Cini Minis) are pretty damn good for fast food, gotta hand it to 'em. They're offered as a dessert item though, which they definitely are. Beats Cinnabon, that's for sure.

Their French toast sticks are alright but again they can often have that same microwaved spongey texture, depending where and when you get them. Just save your appetite for some real French toast. Hash browns are pretty standard as well. Finally, they have a breakfast burrito. Don't do it. Just go to Taco Bell.

They have veggie burgers here technically but those too are microwaved because vegetarians don't want icky meat juice cooties. Haha, that's what you get for being vegetarian. Made with Morningstar patties which are actually pretty good but no less terrible for you.

Burger King just started selling hot dogs a couple years ago. I am no fan of hot dogs so I did not and will not try these. What new can you really do with a hot dog besides add ketchup and relish? (Apparently, you turn it into a Whopper.) I guess if the craving strikes and Wienerschnitzel is too far...

And they've hopped on the taco train too. Now I'm not saying Taco Bell is better, but if you want fast food tacos you go to Jack-in-the-Box (no, really, they're so delicious Selena Gomez had a cake made out of them for her birthday.)

Looking for a healthier option? Sorry, BK salads are pretty weaksauce, too. They have a basic garden salad, a garden salad with chicken, and one with breaded chicken and bacon. That's all, folks.

Lots of dessert options at BK for sure. Most of them pies, but also ice cream and cookies. (Ice cream only available on the perfect day and time that machine is still working and has actual ice cream in it.)

The ice cream is typical soft-serve and their cookies pale in comparison to McDonald's. Both go for about the same price. And they offer shakes of course, because what fast food restaurant doesn't have shakes. Mmmm. Oreo shakes.

When it comes to quality, Burger King should only be a last resort. And I have a major gripe about their customer service. If you complain to them through their corporate website all they do is send a form letter. No apology, no resolution or nothing. So they get a zero on the customer service front.
