Go Fore Pizza (Rancho Murieta)

food: 5/5
experience: n/a takeout
overall: 5/5

I have a short story for you.

This one time in Rancho Murieta I was hungry to the point of tears and wanted pizza because all I ate that day was cereal. Bad decisions were made. So my friend stopped at a pizza place and got me the most delicious personal Hawaiian pizza and I ate all of it.

The crust was thick, just how I like it. So doughy and bready and tasty. The pizza was piping hot. The toppings, they did the job. I immediately regretted demolishing it once the box was empty but damn if it wasn't good going down. And I'd do it again if I could.

Granted I didn't get to go inside and check it out. But it did taste damn good in the passenger seat of my friend's car.


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