Guu with Garlic (Vancouver)

food: 5/5
experience: 5/5
overall: 5/5


Our last dinner stop in Vancouver before we headed home. So many Japanese restaurants in this city. So many. Why this one? Well, it's different, because it's tapas. And it seems to be really popular.

I don't know what "guu" is but I want in on it. I'm thinking Japanese tapas? There's a few Guu's in Vancouver so I'll say it's that. Because that's what they serve. So you're gonna wanna get more than one item.

We got a salmon potato gratin, duck salad, and beet/pumpkin/green bean dish.

The gratin was a daily special. Mashed potatoes, smoked salmon, scallops and cream cheese. All sounded delicious. It was indeed delicious, and nicely portioned.

Duck salad was another interesting combo. I love duck but it is usually too fancy to be put in salads. I'm glad they did it because this too was a great, somewhat healthy combo.

And then another daily special: pumpkin, beets, and green beans, a.k.a. Goma Ae. I like pumpkin and beets but not so much green beans. Never seen all three combined. It was actually kabocha squash. Small portion. Nevertheless, this one was a hit too. Three strikes and you're in! Okay, not funny, whatever.

The atmosphere is very high energy and loud. The cooks are working constantly. They do some cheering thing every few minutes. If only I spoke Japanese I could partake. They also dim the lights and sing for you if it happens to be your birthday.

All in all a good light dinner. I could've ordered a few more items and been pretty satisfied but shit adds up yo.
