Saigon Bay (South Sacramento)

food: 3/5
experience: 0/5
overall: 1/5

An acquaintance took me here for a weird New Year's Eve not-date. For some reason he wanted Vietnamese and wanted to come here specifically. I don't really eat Vietnamese food but I figured why not give it a shot.

Let's start with the good. The food... is good. And they have an extensive menu (of soy and things I can't eat). I just ordered a plate of chicken. Literally, that's it.

I mean, it's just chicken. Not much to say there. I was trying to eat healthy but it looks fried. Oh well, I tried. They gave a heaping pile of it though. You can't tell by the pic but it must have been a couple pounds uncooked or more.

But got damn! The service is in the negative. That simple dish took over frickin' half an hour. My acquaintance got his pork vermicelli plate, which also had egg rolls, shrimp and salad, about fifteen minutes after we ordered (see below). So they definitely fuckin forgot about my food. After half an hour of waiting (and my ever-so-polite acquaintance [you can see why he's an acquaintance] almost finished) we called the waiter over and told him. I said we should get a discount because of this, and then as he was walking away I was like, I'm serious, we should. (Surprise: we did not.)

I don't know how much it ended up costing because said acquaintance said he would pay for it because of all that. Hey I'm just saying if you're the one doing the asking you should be the one paying. I didn't wanna come here. But supposedly this is a chain so maybe I'll go to the other one next time I'm craving Vietnamese which is never.
