Siam Fine Thai Cuisine (Palo Alto)

food: 4/5
experience: 2/5
overall: 3.5/5

My first experience at Siam admittedly wasn't the greatest.

Not to say the food wasn't good. We had the hot basil with seafood and the Siam BBQ chicken with a side of steamed vegetables.

The hot basil is spicy and sweet, with a decent amount of shellfish in it. They didn't put my favorite vegetables in it (bell peppers, ew) but the seafood was good.

And the Siam BBQ chicken tastes like, well, chicken. Not much to comment on there.

A respectable amount of vegetables as a side. Again, not much to say, they're just steamed vegetables.

I didn't care for their house special sauce, which they use on a bunch of stir-fry dishes - eggplant, Chinese greens, the angry stir-fry.

But the service sucks. We didn't get our food until after the people who arrived after us did. We didn't get water until our food was ready. And the water didn't come with ice, even though they give ice to people who buy sodas. They didn't ask us if we wanted to-go boxes even though we didn't eat all our food.

There's not much in the way of ambience since it's so small and at the time of my experience, also under construction. We just scarfed down our food and left. Good for take-out but not dine-in.

Having said that, I did return for some take-out because their food was decent. It's a solid spot, and if I had a rotation I would put this spot in it. But I have hundreds of other places I want to try.

This night's dishes were the tod mun (fish cakes) and red curry with tofu.

The tod mun was, well, it was. It mostly tasted like a greasy fish-flavored mystery meat, with a somewhat strong herb-y taste. It came with that basic sweet sauce with cucumbers that every Thai restaurant serves.

The red curry however. Wow. Seriously a top contender for best curry I've ever had. And they made it spicy! No Thai restaurant I've been to has even asked.

The curry was as thick as my thighs with just the perfect amount of milky sweetness. It came with bell peppers (ew again), bamboo, basil, and the tofu. Tofu is a great addition to curry (if you can tolerate it; I can't anymore) because it absorbs the flavor and you get to eat chewy curry blocks. Siam definitely knows how to make an excellent curry.

Their prices aren't spectacular but their food is.
