Sai Varee (Greenhaven)

food: 3/5
experience: 0/5
overall: 1.5/5

Sai Varee works if you're in the area and absolutely have to have Thai food rightnow. It's got all the typical offerings and they all (usually) taste as they're supposed to, nothing more. I am convinced this place is open still for that reason and the fact that, after people have developed no taste for Thai outside of this restaurant, they have build up quite a loyal customer base.

The service is fuckin slow. I don't care if you're the only one in the restaurant, don't come here if you have somewhere to be in 30-45min. It took twenty minutes for a simple soup-and-salad order. You'll be pissed when someone who came in late gets their order before you which seems to happen.

I got the typical grilled beef Thai salad with the lime-chili dressing that every Thai place seems to offer, along with tom kha (coconut milk) soup.

The salad is decent. Tastes about the same as everywhere else I've visited with a decent amount of protein. Same with the soup. Coconut milk, can't go wrong there really. As long as you put in some spice you're good.

Having dealt with the incompetent service I decided to get take-out. This didn't go so well either. Not only did they get the order wrong (I ordered steamed tofu, not fried - I said this twice), it didn't even taste good. It was eggplant tofu stir-fry by the way. This wasn't cheap either. Over ten bucks for eggplant, veggies, tofu, and sauce. It wasn't a lot either, two servings absolute tops, and that's including the rice.

Extra greasy, and the "spicy" garlic sauce had no spice whatsoever. The sauce was just grease basically, hardly any flavor.

I decided to come back one more time in spite of that because I really wanted some curry. Curry is pretty damn hard to fuck up, right? Well...

Looks good, eh? It tasted good going down. Only, I got sick later. I am not one to get sick from food like, ever. It has to be really dense and heavy and greasy for me to want to throw it back up. Sure, I react to food like crazy, but getting nauseous doesn't happen. It did this time.

I don't know what's wrong, this restaurant or me. One of us is cursed. No matter how crazy my Thai cravings may get, I'm going elsewhere to sate them.
