Lemonade (California)

food: 3/5
experience: 5/5
overall: 3.5/5

Lemonade is a chain of cafeteria-style eateries with locations from NorCal and SoCal. Their food rotates seasonally so it usually skews healthy. Healthy in a bad way, meaning bland. I ordered a basic plate with fish, seasonal vegetables and curry cauliflower. Sounds great, right?

Looks delicious, too. Very disappointing. I couldn't place why the food didn't taste good. They used spices, and theoretically all the objects I was eating would have been good in another context or if I had cooked them. But they were just boring. Maybe not enough salt. Salt is underrated.

Didn't try the namesake lemonade. Not a fan of sugary drinks. Bad for your teeth, ya know. Nice people though. Cool interior design. Eh. Healthy food makes me feel good but. Prolly won't be back. Nice people though.

At least they've got their presentation down?
