Ma Jong's Asian Diner (Downtown Sacramento)

food: 2.5/5
experience: 2.5/5
overall: 2.5/5

Ma Jong's is Sacramento's hipster answer to Chinese food. They have takeout but it's visually appealing enough that you can sit down. You order at the counter, grab a number, and wait for your food.

Unfortunately for me, as goes for most Chinese food, nearly all their dishes are laden with soy. I chose one of the very, very few menu items I could have, the pineapple stir-fry.

It was pretty damn meh. Since the sauce wasn't full of soy, apparently that meant it had no actual flavor. Just the flavor of the pineapple, vegetables, and meat. I could have made this at home for much less.

I still remain solidly unimpressed with Chinese food, for obvious reasons (it's full of soy, fried, and damn unhealthy).


  1. Luckily, I can eat soy once in awhile. This place is o.k. for a quick dinner.


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