Seasons 52 (Nationwide)

food: 3.5/5
experience: 3.5/5
overall: 3.5/5

What's to be said about Seasons? It's fairly unremarkable. Sure, the food is good, it's just unmemorable. Standard American cuisine which skews healthy. I guess the gimmick here is it's seasonal. And there are 52 weeks in a year. Okie dokie.

I got the salmon cedar plank. Salmon is the standard fish dish at these types of restaurants though it is one of my least preferred, mostly due to its distinct fishy flavor. It's not a subtle fish. It's also kinda fatty and full of mercury. So yeah, not a huge fan.

It was decent. Came with herbs on it. Whatever. Like I said, really basic.

They have a vegan dish which my dining partner got. It was basically vegetables with some sort of soy protein casserole or something. It looked pretty bad to be honest. I do not miss being vegan tell ya what. I didn't hear good things about it afterwards.

The interior is nicely decorated I suppose. They also have flatbreads, meat, seafood, and other stuff you'd find at BJ's or whatever. Overall though this restaurant suffers from chain food syndrome (that is to say, uninspired dishes).
