Hula Grill Waikiki (Honolulu)

food: 4/5
experience: 5/5
overall: 4.5/5

Man, I ate way too much food here. Then again we walked hella on vacation so I guess it evens out. Ugh I feel sick just thinking about it. Is it possible to wake up suddenly fat?

This place is kinda hard to find. It's inside an outdoor mall I guess, and it is upstairs. There's a long wait to sit outside but when we went it was raining anyway so the bar area sufficed. We got the Caesar salad, fish tacos, and the "luau plate." Plus a side of green beans to be a little healthy.

The Caesar salad was obviously the healthiest of the three, excluding the green beans. It's one of those that doesn't come chopped; it's full leaves with cheese and all that, so that was different. You have to kind of fix it yourself.

The fish tacos were delicious and made with raw fish (poke). I don't think they serve them that way anymore though.

The luau plate alone was like one and a half meals. Salted pork, pork wrapped in spinach, pulled pork, some kinda poke again, and rice which I shouldn't have eaten because it's simple carbs and really wasn't that good but I couldn't resist. The whole dish was as salty as Donald Trump though.

If I went again I would probably get fish instead due to the saltiness.

Ambience is nice, in the bar at least, pretty kickback. There's a guy singing and playing ukulele. He did that one song Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World that everyone knows and loves but doesn't know who it's by (IZ). Kinda noisy but it is a bar after all.
