Cinnabon (International)

food: 2.5/5
experience: 2/5
overall: 2.5/5

Cinnabon, the mall's answer to breakfast. The smell enough is alone to draw you in. But I'm here to tell you, it ain't worth it.

I have a small beef with Cinnabon because last time I went they wouldn't honor my coupon for free BonBites. Instead I had to fork over five bucks for four little bites. Now this wouldn't be a problem otherwise, but they were bad. Yes, I said it, Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are bad.

Now, don't get me wrong. Cinnabons look amazing. So, so good. They smell good. They're served warm. They delight all the sense except taste. Well, except they're extremely gooey and sticky so perhaps not. And therein lies the problem.

These rolls are too gooey! Cinnamon rolls at their best should be crisp, and flakey, like a pastry. Yes, this is fast food. I know. Which is why they're not good. Sure they'll satisfy a craving but you'll feel awful doing so because the quality is so grungy. You could do better with a refrigerated Pillsbury package and that statement is a fact. If you do happen to be looking for fast food cinnamon rolls, look no further than Burger King. That's right, I said it. Burger, King. They have some tasty buns.

Cinna-bye, boi.
