Maui Tacos (Hawaii)

food: 4/5
experience: 5/5
overall: 4/5

Man I'm a mess when I'm hungry, everything looks good. Put me in a food court I can never decide. Finally just settled on this place because it wasn't busy. Ordered the Waimea salad and Baja grilled fish taco. Trying to eat a little healthy on vacation.

Pretty big salad, could only finish half of it. The dressing was kinda weird tasting. Wouldn't recommend that one. Fish taco was excellent though.

The cashier gladly wrapped up the remains of my salad and we were good to go.

Went back a second time after my pleasant first experience and ditched the diet, got a huge Hookipa burrito instead (bomb) and a fajita salad (also bomb).

This Hawaii-Mex fusion cuisine is my shit.
