Sactown Kabob (Arden-Arcade)

food: 2.5/5
experience: 3.5/5
overall: 3/5

I came here because it was on a list I had of very highly recommended restaurants. Definitely wouldn't have found it otherwise. Kabob is not usually my thing but I figured with such a good rating why not.

It went... ok. The chicken kabob tasted "not bad." Good but nothing special. Same with the hummus. The pita was rather plain but it was mainly for dipping in the hummus so it ended up sufficing. The rice kind of sucked, but my mom liked it so to each their own. The little side salad was kind of nasty as well.

It's a little rinky-dink restaurant in a strip mall so don't go in expecting a five-star dining experience and you'll be okay. Restaurant is even a stretch; shop is more like it. The service is alright and they clearly have some regulars. I just wouldn't have it again. Was worth a shot though.
