Kani Ka Pila Grille (Honolulu)

food: 4/5
experience: 4/5
overall: 4/5

I always feel weird going to another hotel for dinner, like I'm cheating on mine or something. I promise we'll be back, Sheraton, really! It's not you... it's uh...

Anyway. This spot is located in the Outrigger hotel. They have live music in the front. Unfortunately we couldn't see any of it but on a little flatscreen black-and-white TV in the bar because we were seated in the back. Another thing we couldn't see: the menu! Our table was only lit by a lone candle.

The menu is small. Mostly fish-oriented items. We got the French onion soup, ahi katsu, and soup of the day.

Both soups were on the salty side but good. When they say a cup, they really do mean a cup. The onion soup had a ton of cheese though and was super filling.

The ahi katsu was like a sushi roll almost, just made with fried ahi and sauce on top, plus a little salad underneath with champagne dressing. Pretty good. The sauce had wasabi in it so it had a little kick. Filling enough for an appetizer.

The waitress got our receipt wrong and gave us one with a lesser amount, even after we showed her, so that was really cool of her. Bumped up the rating a bit for that.

Not a bad spot, just a little un-thrilled with the seating arrangement and menu selection. Nice atmosphere, though.
