The Waffle Experience (Natomas)

food: 2.5/5
experience: 1/5
overall: 1.5/5

With a name like the Waffle Experience I was expecting a lot more.

So the waffles here are made out of dough, not batter, just a heads up. They're Liege Belgian waffles as opposed to the traditional Brussels Belgian. So they're really, well, doughy.

The only thing I tried was the chicken and waffle. The chicken batter was crispy and delicious. It was among the best chicken half of chicken and waffles I've had in my life. Granted I've only had this dish less than ten times total, but still. It's up there. It came with an herb waffle, which was, to be generous, alright. (The company I was sharing it with thought it was awful.) The dish came with ricotta cheese which doesn't have much flavor so nothing to add there. And it had an apple-bacon coleslaw thing on top. They call the bacon some other weird fancy name but rest assured it's just bacon. Also wtf at adding kale on top of chicken and waffles. Not tryna eat healthy here come on now, this is a Southern specialty not some weak hippie shit. With the bacon and the apple-slaw and the kale, this place is a little full of itself, methinks.

I was planning on coming back here and trying some other things, as I usually do with restaurants to give them a fair shot, but honestly the waffle was pretty damn mediocre. And seeing as they use the same dough recipe for every waffle I don't see a point in just trying a bunch of different toppings on the same plain-ass waffle. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good, either. Also, it took over twenty minutes to make that one dish. Oh, and to top it off, they were out of fruit. A breakfast place, out of fruit. Major Homer Simpson "d'oh" on that one.

Now the "waffle" part wasn't that great, but the "experience part was even worse. While the waitress was chummy, I had a very sour experience with a so-called customer service rep for the business after leaving a negative review on the website we all know. This discussion continued much longer than it should have, was entirely unprofessional, and ended in her lying and eating her words, and the website, clearly making big bucks off of WE's advertising revenue, removed my review more than once without good reason. This entire ordeal was probably the worst encounter I have ever had with a business, and if it weren't for the nice waiting staff the restaurant would receive a big fat zero for "experience."

Never again!
