Sushi Q (Elk Grove)

food: 5/5
experience: 2/5
overall: 3/5

I remember when this first place opened. It was packed. And noisy. My friend was raving about it and I wasn't big into the sushi/sashimi scene yet but let me tell you this was a great introduction. First time I ever tried eel and roe, too. Man I like me some eel. Ever the healthy eater, I just got me a bowl of sashimi, but my friend lured me into trying half the menu, but most memorably, the fried calamari.

Award goes to fried calamari for classiest junk food on the menu. Now I have never had fried calamari before, but friends, this was the best fried calamari I think I'll ever have. So crisp, it was like eating onion rings but with delicious fish inside. The perfect texture, and they give you a lot.

Award for healthiest item on the menu that wasn't nearly as filling as it looked, goes to the sashimi. This "small" sashimi though, this was nothing to sniff at. A little boat of sashimi came with fish aplenty and it, too, was delicious. So fresh, so clean.

Such a nice presentation too. And served chilled on ice. Perfect. So pretty I took an Instagram pic (totally #nofilter).

Finally, the hella-spicy Bombdotcom roll gets the award for best roll on the menu. Yes, it was spicy. Yes, it was bomb. Everything was bomb. The first time we went.

It wasn't until four years later I revisited the Q. This time definitely paled in comparison to last time. I ordered the chirashi and my friend and I were going to split a couple rolls.

The chirashi took almost a full half hour to come out. By this point I'd gone from not hungry to starving back to not hungry again because my stomach hurts from hunger. After this we waited ten more minutes for our rolls ("They're coming... they're working on it...") before my friend finally got up and cancelled the order ("They're just finishing them, though!"). Pathetic, especially given the fact that I could clearly see three very scantily clad girls sitting in front of a male sushi chef at the sushi bar, one of which came a good fifteen minutes after we arrived, being served a roll while we sat patiently twiddling our thumbs.

The chirashi? It was great, I gotta say. Very fresh and a great variety of fish. Even the egg was good. They put some sauce in there that I wasn't too sure about so I didn't eat the piece touching that one, even though I made a point to say how allergic I was to soy, since these places seem like they could care less sometimes. Turns out I was right. The waitress coolly handed us our check a short while after my friend cancelled our order and said, "Have a good night." No offer for a discount, no apology, nothing. Guess that roll was thrown in the garbage. Sad times.

So long, Sushi Q. May we never see each other again.
