Fish on the Grill (Dublin)

food: 4/5
experience: 3/5
overall: 3.5/5

This place is located in Dublin, which is a small suburb of East SF, so I just filed it under SF. Sorries for the confusion.

We came here after picking up a very rambunctious puppy in Redwood City that was to be named Cocoa Bean. After we cleaned up a huge, smelly accident in the car, we came into this place for a late lunch.

On the menu: my favorite, sea bass, market priced at $25. Eep.

This was a nice, thick steak, filling but not too filling, and very fresh. It came with a side of zucchini that was fairly bland as it was just dry-roasted plain with no seasoning at all. Comes with a lotta plain rice as well that went untouched. Good, but not worth the price tag.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the maple-glazed salmon that was advertised in the restaurant. How you gonna not serve the food you post a picture of? Seriously, the picture makes you wanna order it and anyway. That was disappointing. So we missed out on that.

Aside from that, they have a great selection of fish for a little spot in a small town, and the prices are, um, fair for the area. Service was good. Just... bring back the maple-glazed salmon, guys. Sheesh.
