Masullo (Land Park)

food: 3/5
experience: 3/5
overall: 3/5

Honestly do not understand why this place is so popular. Seems to me to be just another Land Park fad. Land Park likes to latch on to particular businesses for some reason. Usually meeting some of the following requirements of being 1) small in size, 2) serving a gourmet style of a particular cuisine, 3) with a fancy sounding name, 4) with a limited or seasonal menu. Looks like we got a bingo over here.

I've tried several of their pizzas and they are all exceedingly mediocre. Apologies to the Land Park crowd for crapping on your dreams but this is not the best pizza you can find in the Sacramento area. The crust is the cornerstone of good pizza and while the texture is fine, theirs just completely misses the mark in terms of flavor. Sometimes they bring out a particularly thin, limp-crusted pizza and all the toppings slide off when you pick it up.

The pizzas...

Margherita: 3/5
Hard to go wrong here unless you literally put moldy cheese on top. Cheese basil tomato sauce boom. A decent choice if you want to sample Masullo's wares but obviously not a stand-out.

American: 3.5/5
Pepperoni pizza is about as American as apple pie so the name fits. Once again hard to go wrong here unless you somehow managed to find bad-tasting pepperoni.

Elisa: 3.5/5
Interesting choice putting salami on pizza instead of pepperoni. It works. Aside from that nothing stands out. Decent I suppose.

Mustapha: 3.5/5
Salad on top of pizza. Looks fancy, tastes okay. Two types of cheese doesn't hurt. Not a fan of prosciutto personally (too stringy) but it's whatever.

Eileen: 4/5
Bacon with mushrooms. Cream was a nice touch. Sage finishes it off.

Jacqueline: 1/5
Don't get it. Potatoes don't belong on pizza. Yuck. One of their weirder ideas.

Triana: 3.5/5
Spicy chorizo with chili oil makes this the most "adventurous" choice on the menu. Works for me I guess. Another salad pizza.

Gilda: 3.5/5
Like I said two types of cheese is always a good thing. Green olives aren't my favorite though, nor are anchovies.

There's a vegan pizza on the menu too but if you're getting pizza without cheese here you're gonna have a bad time. All you'll be left with is weak crust.

If you're looking for a more "gourmet" pizza in Sacramento you honestly couldn't do too bad at Selland's, believe it or not. This place is trendy but that's about it.
