Kru (East Sacramento)

food: 5/5
experience: 4/5
overall: 4.5/5

To be clear, someone else suggested we go here. I merely brought it up in conversation. So the bill of over a hundred dollars including tip was not my fault. Not my fault I say!

Kru is a restaurant that specializes in Japanese tapas. Yes, this place is pricey as hell. Yes, it is in East Sac. It is definitely not casual dining fare, though you can come dressed as casually as you'd like just so long as you got your wallet with you. Their main specialty is nigiri, which the waiter took a while to explain while he described the whole menu to us. This is a nice custom in general but I was damn hungry and wanted none of that.

With my food allergies (ahem, soy) being present in nearly every dish, the waiter said I was all but limited to getting the sashimi platter for count 'em, forty buckaroos. Nigiri at four bucks a slice simply was not gonna cut it (is that a pun?).

Lovely presentation, complete with edible flowers. And since I urged the waiter that I was very allergic to soy, he told me I should probably avoid the house-made wasabi and took it off the plate. Another restaurant, which I will review at some point, failed to mention this and I had a three-day-long allergic reaction. So disaster averted, thank goodness. The dish contained five types of fish, each of which the server named and I completely forgot. But they were all good, and the one on the far right was grilled I believe. That was probably the best of the five but yeah sorry don't remember what it even was hah.

Another in our party got the Sunshine sushi roll. It has apples in it which is a nice twist.

Definitely a thumbs up for presentation. According to my exclusive sources, it was "really good." Yup, can confirm.

Finally, the third member in our party was the last to be served even though his plates were the smallest. He got some sort of Japanese egg custard with a long name I don't recall, and a grilled tuna special. Both very small, served to a very hungry man. He told me to make sure to mention how long it took to get his food in the review so here it is. Sorry Kru, gotta lower the rating just a tad for that, but you still rock. We just won't be seeing each other annnny tiiiime soon. Because, like, money.
