MOD Pizza (Nationwide)

food: 3.5/5
experience: 3.5/5
overall: 3.5/5

What's to say about MOD? It's just another Chipotle-style pizzeria. They have their own specialty pizzas or you can get one with whatever toppings your heart desires. The calorie counts are definitely off, by the way, because I definitely gained some weight in spite of the calorie consciousness. Be forewarned, weight watchers.

We tried a couple of them. You can't get half and half so me and my, er, (bad) date (sorry, dude) opted for the Calexico

and the Caspian.

The crust, my favorite part of the pizza, just didn't make the cut. It passed as crust, sure, but it did not have that doughy, bread-y flavor or texture I so desire. The toppings definitely were the star of the show here. The Calexico had a nice kick to it with the spicy buffalo sauce and jalapeƱos. It was actually quite a bit on the spicier side, and I'm a spice veteran. The Caspian was like a palate cleanser with its sweet barbecue sauce. Barbecue chicken pizza: definitely one of the greats.

The service (read: line "cooks", or "pizza artists" as Subway might call them) could have been better. I detected a little attitude among one of the employees, but another did compliment my shirt so I guess it was a wash. The pizza was ready on time, no long wait or anything.

A thoroughly unmemorable experience. And the parts of it I do remember (cough, the date), I'd rather not.
