Viet Ha Noodles & Grill (Midtown Sacramento)

food: 2.5/5
experience: n/a got takeout
overall: 2.5/5

This spot had been on my to-try list for a while so since they re-opened after temporarily closing I thought I'd check it out.

I confess after looking at the menu I knew I wouldn't give it more than 4 stars. Probably more like 3. And so it stands.

Their selection is rice, noodles, or a sandwich with protein and other stuff on it. Rice seemed painfully boring, and plain white rice vermicelli noodles didn't seem much better so I got a banh mi (sandwich), hoping the bread and marinated chicken would somehow blow me out of the water.

It did not.

No, the food here is not inedible. It's just... undesirable. It's a great lunch spot for the people across the street at the DMV I'm sure. I just would never make a point to come back and I'm not gonna.
