Star Ginger (East Sacramento)

food: 3/5
experience: 1/5
overall: 1.5/5

Ugh gross. This place is past its prime. I got sick here I think. They don't even know what ingredients go in their food. I'm allergic to soy and they can't tell me what has it and what doesn't. So expect to get sick basically.

Just ended up getting some plain-ass BBQ chicken since they couldn't fulfill my simple request of divulging the ingredients of their food that they themselves make, apparently not from scratch. I mean even the curry they had no clue. Who puts soy in curry?

It was fine. Chicken is chicken. Not bad. Like I said though I paid for it the next day so I question their standards. If you don't know what you're putting in your food, how do you know if it's even fresh?

Also had the coconut chicken soup on the side.

It was good, gotta say, but can't go wrong with coconut milk. Not too spicy. It was fine.

Still. Time for this place to be put to pasture. Even the sign is worn out.
