Yogurt Stop (West Hollywood)

food: 3/5
experience: 2.5/5
overall: 2.5/5

Hooray, yet another example of a classic WeHo-style, all $$$, no substance business.

I believe this is the first yogurt shop I encountered in Los Angeles with a theme. You wanna know why it has a theme? Because otherwise it would suck, and no one would come here. Save for the fact that it's in WeHo.

Yogurt at Yogurt Stop will cost you a good ten cents more per ounce than anywhere else. Ten cents, you sniff? Believe me, that shit adds up. You'd get more for your money at Pinkberry. True story.

The flavors are all labeled with name-tags, sometimes cute, mostly annoying. The store itself is nicely styled, I have to say. Although I question the person who thought up the concept of associating frozen yogurt with gasoline. Plenty of toppings to choose from, too, I'll give them that. Lots of "weighty" choices, I noticed.

The yogurt itself? Yeah, it was good. Just... good. Was it worth almost seven dollars? Hell no. It didn't melt as quickly as other yogurt I've had. That was nice.

I have to say, it was indeed quite clever of them to put a yogurt shop right next to a series of bars. The only way I would pay for this yogurt again is if I were inebriated.
