Dia de Pesca (San Jose)

food: 3/5
experience: n/a got take-out
overall: 3/5

First impression, uhh, this place is pretty expensive for a couple tacos. Almost ten bucks? They better be good. Or the size of a burrito or something. Fish is pricey but not by that much.

I was basic and got a tilapia si-food grilled taco with a si-food breaded taco. I like my fish. (By the way what's with the misspelling of si-food?) I'm not good at making decisions under pressure. Should've got the crab for five bucks. Damn.

They were aiiiight. Nothing to write on my Christmas cards or nothin'. They sure fell apart right quick. The breaded one was all soggy, not crispy. Can't even get crispy fish for five bucks, what's the world come to.

Not sure why this spot's so popular. Maybe cos it's down the street from Santana Row. Overall I'm rather unimpressed with San Jose's restaurant selection.
