The Izakaya (South Land Park)

food: 3.5/5
experience: 3/5
overall: 3/5

The Izakaya, in Sacramento. It's an old standby sushi restaurant relatively close to our house so I've sampled the fare on occasion. Usually when I can't decide on anywhere else to go and it's getting late.

This last time we went right before closing. The waitress was clearly none too happy about that. Especially when I ordered BBQ albacore sashimi and it came with sesame seeds on top (see below), to which I am allergic. I had to send it back. She practically rolled her eyes. Hey lady, you're not the one doing the cooking, 'kay, you just put the food on the table for us and you're still open so there.

The dish was really good, I have to say. I'm glad I sent it back though because my allergic reactions last for days. Besides this, they don't have a very good sashimi selection (the standard salmon, hamachi, white and red tuna) so I just opted for the hamachi. Tuna and salmon get kinda old after a while. But fresh hamachi is always good. And this was no different.

A lot of their rolls have fried tempura stuff in them which is a big turn-off for me personally as I try to avoid fried foods (for one, they're usually cooked in soybean oil; for two, plain unhealthy). And I don't find their sushi selection to be very creative. I would recommend the Iz roll, just because I'm a fan of spicy tuna:

Five bucks for happy hour, can't beat it.

Service has always been spotty here but for sushi, it works I guess.
