Vientos Mexican Cocina (Greenhaven)

food: 2/5
experience: 3.5/5
overall: 2.5/5

I don't really see a reason for this place to exist. It's like the people in this particular section of Greenhaven are so lazy when it comes to eating Mexican food that they just bump into the nearest location. "Me want beans. Want rice. Where get. Ah! Sign says Mexican! Me like Mexican. Mexican good."

Speaking of which their beans and rice taste straight out of the large container they came in. I mean Chipotle has some soggy food but even that is better than here. Their flour tortillas are about as good as the ones you could get at Bel Air a few blocks away. Chips, blah. Everything tastes prepackaged.

Those all being the basic components of Mexican cuisine, I don't care to come back to try the rest of their menu. Everything was just amazingly mediocre, like they actually took time and effort into making it as bland as possible.

Service is slow, as if you actually were in Mexico, so at least they got some kinda authenticity going for them. Honestly the only reason for two stars is because their food is edible, and the service is not terrible.
