Pizzeria Farina (Vancouver)

pizza: 5/5
experience: 4/5
overall: 5/5

If you Google the best pizza in Vancouver I can almost guarantee you this will be the number one result that appears. Since we were only in the city for five days it was imperative that we try it.

The choice? Funghi pizza:

Mushrooms. Parmesan. Mozzarella. Roasted Garlic. Topped with arugula.

The verdict?

This ranks as one of the best pizzas I've ever had. The crust wasn't amazing so not number one. That honor still belongs to Pizza Hut (only semi-joking). But the cheese, oh man. So cheesy and cheese-like and good. It's like white cheddar Kraft's macaroni and cheese cheese, but like a classy version of that. Cheesy cheesy cheese. I'm so glad I'm not vegan anymore.

It's on a semi sketch side of town and it's a hole in the wall for sure, but so worth it.
