Elephant Bar (West Coast)

food: 5/5
experience: 5/5
overall: 5/5

I've enjoyed many a visit to Elephant Bar. A lot of people hate on chain restaurants but this one makes the mark for me. They specialize in "worldly" cuisine. There's only one thing in the world that keeps drawing me back: the New Zealand lamb shanks.

These babies are huge. They come in a pair and are enough to fill you up for the rest of the day. A half order will still be plenty for dinner. Comes with a side of mashed potatoes. When the lamb gravy is mixed into that mash ooooh, it hits you just right.

Haven't tried many other things (why would I when I hit a home run the first time?), but I do recollect having tried someone else's chicken lettuce wraps.

Eh, what's to be said about lettuce wraps? This pseudo-healthy dish has never inspired me. Back to the tried-and-true, the tender, melt-in-your-mouth, fall-off-the-bone lamb shanks. Service is always lovely and blah blah. Lamb shanks lamb shanks lamb shanks.

I love lamb.
